Can I create a portrait studio that fits the sensory needs of the neurodivergent?

Imagine this, you have an autistic child and it's family picture day and you have no worries that it will go smoothly. This is because you know that not only the photographer but the portrait studio you are about to experience is made for your family. From start to finish it is an enjoyable and positive experience for you but especially for your neurodivergent child or family member. The entry to the building is designed for optimal sensory satisfaction, the lights are set up to minimize overstimulation, and the process is built on patience and understanding. Most photographers deal with neurotypical clients and cookie-cutter family sets, there are very few who specialize in creating an experience that is enjoyable for anyone who is not neurotypical. This is an avenue that I, Tristine aka Tristine Walker Imagery, am invested in exploring. 

This portrait studio is already a safe space for all humans but is it equipped to handle sensory overload? No. It isn’t ADA compliant which is another issue I am on a mission to resolve hand in hand with making the studio more sensory safe. Am I full of all the knowledge needed to be a proactive part of a care team by being a guide to a wonderful portrait experience? No, but I am full of the heart needed. In all my experiences with humans on the spectrum and others with special needs, I am well adept at keeping them calm and procuring that “perfect” image. BUT I know there are more tools and adaptations needed to create a truly sensory-safe portrait experience. 

This is the start of my journey to create that space. A sensory safe space that families find as a comfort and can participate in experiences that are normally not conducive to cooperation. I will be writing blogs and posting videos on what I am learning and how I am adapting my space to cater to a group of people who are marginalized and overlooked in ways that we don’t even think.  

My GoFundMe is doing well and I am hoping to connect with grant opportunities while leads on paid gigs come through. Part of me feels selfish asking for money for this studio because I am such a driven worker. This feels like the best way to do it though. That way it truly is connected to the community because they helped build it. 

Catch on the next update! 

All my love, 


p.s if you'd like to contribute to the GOFundMe to create a sensory-safe and ADA compliance studio follow this link;